Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Traditions of Liberty

Today we will learn about how the traditions of liberty took hold of the colonies. 

 We have 1 learning goal today. 

 1. You will be able to explain how the ideas of self-government, the Great Awakening and freedom of the press empowered the colonists to expand the ideas of liberty. 

 HW: Complete CN: Summary 2.1 
Add the following Language of the discipline: town meeting, Great Awakening, freedom of the press, libel

Don't forget a summary at the bottom of your notes. 

 1. Assignments 1-3 should be completed and organized in your history notebook. 
 2. The unit flashcards have been updated and are posted on the blog. Use them to study or scan this qr code and study from your phone. 

P.S. Quizlet has a free app for iphone or ipod touch. If you get the app, you can search for this set with my username: cmorale7 
Be sure to study the correct set :From Colonies to Nation

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