Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Hi Class, 

I just wanted to outline a few reminders for you. 

1. We will be having a fill in the blank language of the discipline quiz this Friday. You will not have a word box to pull from so you will really need to know and understand your terms. It will only cover language of the discipline for Summaries 4.1 and 4.2.  You can use Quizlet to study or your notes. 

2.  You have a "mini-project" due on Friday. You are to research someone listed in the people section on your First Steps Unit Essentials and complete a frame (passed out today). You must put the shortened url of the website where you retrieved your information on your Frame. This "mini-project" will be worth 20 points. Remember, to write using complete sentences and include a picture of your historic figure in the center. 

3. Tutoring sessions occur every Wednesday from 3:30-4:30. If you are struggling to understand material, would like to preview upcoming material or just need a place to get some work done, tutoring is the place to be! Hope to see you there. 

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